We build Hamburg
We‐build‐Hamburg.de/video is a FIWARE (web) based collaboration and participation platform for every citizen who wants to improve his local smart city development. The platform is open source and can be installed in every city and community! It will use FIWARE 3D visualisation enablers and local open data from the Transparency and Open Data Portal of the City of Hamburg.
It assists to bring together ideas, people, government and other stakeholders like architects, politicians and property developer. Thus reduces costs, frustration and time and improves the normal city to a smarter city.
We‐build‐Hamburg bases on a responsive web platform for an easy, fast and central access to the complex information of public or private planning issues. It shows 3D models and images of the planning projects, gives general and specific information about topics and supports the civil engagement of the people.
Hub Hamburg
Gaussstr. 136
22765 Hamburg
We build Hamburg