A preceding research project of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) had the goal to develop an environmental measurement device that can be used for on-site analysis of contaminated soil. The outcome in 2013 was a lightweight, handheld and battery operated analytical device for detecting volatile organic compounds (VOC). The innovative device was awarded several times; for example by winning the 2014 INNOTECH business plan competition. In November 2014 the startup bentekk was incorporated by the two TUHH and NIT alumni Matthias Schmittmann and Johannes Weber.
Based on a deep understanding of the market of portable environmental measurement devices, the team plans to create an additional service: the cloud-based web platform bencloud will display, enhance and connect measured data in a seemly way. First for bentekk’s device, in a second step for other measurement devices. A more visionary perspective foresees the possibility to connect many devices over the web platform in an intelligent manner. The sensor data can be used to create profiles about contamination of sites or even whole cities.
Hub Hamburg
+49 40 57136357
Kasernenstraße 12
21073, Hamburg
bentekk GmbH